Love board








If you want to be on the love board, you need to paypal me $20.    

I am an active player on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft, 2B2T 
I like hanging on 2b2t building, larping and sometimes dying in pvp. I also like to hang out on discord with other 2b2t players.     


2b2t shop:

 2b2t group:


coolpilot2b2t history 

       Coolpilot first joined 2b2t on April 9th, 2020. He only played for a few minutes at spawn until he got bored and quit. He later rejoined in November of 2021, where he would give the kits he bought to new players at spawn and try to make friends with them. He would also search for bases on foot around 100k. Eventually, he met Wnet when he was new at spawn, and gave him some kits. He quit shortly after because he got bored. In may of 2022, he rejoined 2b2t. This time, he spent time mostly around spawn, meeting new players and giving them more gear he bought. On May 26th, started a group called the Highway-Pitstop-Organization, where he would go along overworld highways and build small houses with trees and crops to help new players. On June 14th 2022, he was repairing nether spawn and many new players were passing by. He ended up with a large group of new players who he worked on highways with. He invited all of them to his group, and for about a week all the players would meet around spawn and VC together. The group took over a base at -50K, 0 overworld that was built by Medicated_, eventually changing it's name to the Spawn Society. In late June, Coolpilot discovered a project to repair the valley of wheat, called the Luminous sandclave. He worked with them to finish the valley, and was featured in a fastvincent1 video. Coolpilot would spend most of his time on the server with his group. The Spawn Society group would gain many active members over the summer of 2022. Spawn Society would go along to build the Technoblade memorial at spawn, with codysmile11 and jakethasnake52. After this, Coolpilot mostly kept to himself and worked on personal projects like building schematics of his name all around spawn, of which many are still present. Eventually, the group died and the discord sat dormant. On December 4th, 2022 the discord was remade into a shop for 2b2t, Shopx. For a few months, he worked on acquiring stashes so he could start his shop. Shopx grew to be one of the most popular shops on 2b2t. Coolpilot plans to create The Coolpilot Fan Club, which he hopes can capture the magic of Sppawn Society and eventually become a powerful group on the server.

Discord: coolpilot#0001
Minecraft Accounts List  









